
IC6000 Ion chromatograph

Product overview
Ion chromatography is a kind of high performance liquid chromatography, so it is also called high performance ion chromatography (HPIC) or modern ion chromatography. It is different from traditional ion exchange column chromatography mainly because that resin has high cross-linking degree and low exchange capacity, the sample volume is very small, and normally, a plunger pump is used to pump eluent for on-line automatic continuous conductivity detection of leachate.
Performance characteristics
It has the functions of one-key flushing and one-key maintenance. The standard configuration contains a 120 automatic sample injector. You can also choose an economical model that contains a 48-bit automatic sample injector. The equipment has built-in column oven and conductance detector with temperature compensation function. The ampere detector is optional.
Industry application
Environment, food, medicine, agriculture
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